chris harnan
Chris Harnan


lagon revue PLAINE 2022
"I've figured it all out again", a 16 page contribution to the latest collection of comics organised by the lagon revue team. My contribution was in collaboration with visual artist Julien Gobled.

michal turtle - planisphere 2021
Collaborative work with Jonathan Castro and Sander Sturing for PLANISPHERE and Michal Turtle. A large body of work, including an online visualiser with a physcial adapatation, interpreting the music of Michal Turtle within the context of how the perception of music has altered through the progression of digitalisation.

lagon revue MARÉCAGE 2019
"La Casino", a 10 page contribution to a beautifully printed and curated collection of comics organised by the lagon revue team.

world problem solution book 2017
My first book, a visual diary published by Studio Operative.

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